Been MIA for a couple weeks…but I am back:)

April 1, 2009 | Filed Under Sneak Peeks 

I have neglected my blog for a couple week…but I am back to posting:)


This was a beautiful family from a few weeks ago.  I also photographed them last year and it was so cool to see how much the kids had grown up!  We got a ton of great shots:)  I hope mom and dad enjoy their images!!blogit


2 Responses to “Been MIA for a couple weeks…but I am back:)”

  1. Shannon on April 3rd, 2009 9:15 am

    What fun shots. I love that dress so fresh and spring like!

  2. Lisa Lenderink on April 17th, 2009 11:09 pm

    B E A U T I F U L !!!!!!!!!!!!

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